Eduardo Militão is journalist in Brasília, capital of Brazil. He is reporter of UOL portal. He worked for Piauí magazine,  Istoé magazine, Correio Braziliense newspaper, Congresso em Foco‘s site and magazine, The Intercept Brasil website and Jornal do Brasil newspaper. He colaborated for a short while for others magazines and newspapers. In Curitiba, capital of Paraná state, he worked in Folha Popular. He is graduated in Journalism by Universidade Federal do Paraná. He has worked as journalist since the late 1990s.

He is author of the book “Nas asas da mamata” (“Scam air”), released by Matrix Publishing into 312 pages. It tells the secret history of how Brazilian lawmakers pocketed millions in airfare and credits.

With Flávio Costa, Luís Adorno e Aiuri Rebello, he is co-autor of the movie “PCC: capital’s first cartel”, a UOL production acknowledged with UOL Content Award.

With colleagues as Leonardo Cavalcanti, Natália Lambert and Paulo de Tarso Lyra, he won República Award in 2017, offered by prosecutors brazilian association (ANPR), for news reporting series “#XôPrivilégio”. Published in Correio Braziliense newspaper, stories showed distortions caused by “foro privilegiado” benefit for politicians and officials in Brazil courts.

He won República Award in 2015, with the news reporting series about “The secret loans in the BNDES state-run bank”, published in Congresso em Foco site.

With colleagues Lúcio Lambranho and Edson Sardinha, he won “Prêmio Embratel” investigative journalism award in 2009, for news reporting series about “Air tickets spree in National Congress”. Because that, Congresso em Foco site won “Prêmio Esso” award for better contribution to brazilian press in that year.

With colleagues Amaury Ribeiro Jr. and Fernanda Odilla, he won “Prêmio Embratel” regional award in 2007, for news reporting series about “The Candango Institute of Solidarity: holes in money-box of Distrito Federal government”, published in Correio Braziliense newspaper.

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